Wingate Baby #2

Boise, ID (US)
Created 7 months ago

Wingate Baby #2

by Mary Wingate

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $50,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 111

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $50,000.00 Goal
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $ Please input donation amount
Boise, ID (US)

Mary Wingate is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

As anyone has highs and lows we experienced some of our greatest highs and tremendous lows in 2021. We started the year off working in Germany, at a resort which was closed due to the pandemic. Twenty days into the New Year we found out I was pregnant! We had to navigate whether we’d stay in a foreign country or head back to the states. After deciding Germany was where we wanted to have our baby, we moved into a new apartment. Over the summer we learned we were having a baby girl! We had two baby showers one with our friends in Garmisch and a virtual one for our family and friends back home. It was so exciting getting ready to become parents. It all happened so fast, before we knew it I was in the delivery room. I delivered Atlas at 10:41 pm September 23rd, 2021. Post delivery, my uterus was not contracting I was losing a lot of blood. Our team of doctors had to act quickly, I was put under while they did everything they could to save me. They tried multiple procedures but ultimately the only thing that would save me was to remove my uterus. Spencer had to care for Atlas alone for the first 3 days, with the uncertainty of if I’d make it back to them. After waking up on Sunday September 26th, I learned I had 3 surgeries. One of which was a hysterectomy. Within those three days our lives changed forever. I became a mother but also lost the ability to have any more children. It would mean the world to us if we could give Atlas a sibling. We are asking for your assistance and support to help grow our family. It would be a blessing to receive any amount of a donation. Thank you for reading!

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